Kelli's Blog - Sharing Insight and Experiences
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Dr. Palfy shares her insights on male abuse, sexual abuse, PTSD and more.

You’re an Abuse Survivor

How Do You Know if You Need Help?

  1. Are you avoiding deep conversations, certain topics, places, or people? Male sexual abuse victims may have daily reminders (triggers) of their abuse. They may avoid engaging in intimate conversations of any sort out of fear they may accidentally disclose.  
  2. Do you find yourself unable to engage in intimate relationships or does your partner complain of this? Men not wanting to disclose their abuse may distract or change the subject just when the conversations are starting to get real or get intimate. They may even pick a fight….anything to avoid discussing their abuse with their intimate partners. 
  3. Are you isolating? Living in a world where there are constant reminders can be exhausting. Many male victims chose to isolate in order to protect themselves
  4. Do you feel like talking about it would make you cry? Many trauma survivors are highly symptomatic, it is why so many abuse victims turn to substances to numb out. 
  5. Are you easily irritated or do you experience excessive anger, anxiety, or depression? When men are forced to stuff their anger and feel invalidated this anger turns inward into depression and also looks for places to escape.  Many men angry about their abuse, or about having to stuff strong feelings struggle with anger that comes out disproportionately when opportunities arise. 


If you answered yes to any of these questions, find a trained therapist to assist you.

Dr. Palfy is a psychologist, speaker and the author of: Men Too: Unspoken Truths About Male Sexual Abuse.  Follow her on Facebook: Men Too Unspoken Truths About Male Sexual Abuse, Linkedin, Twitter:@MenToo2020 and Instagram: @Mentoo2020. 

Picture of Author: Dr. Kelli Palfy
Author: Dr. Kelli Palfy

I medically retired from the RCMP with just over 13 years of field experience in 2009 (Reg #45004, HQ 1112) and began the journey of pursuing my doctorate degree. I am now a registered psychologist, running a private practice in Edmonton, AB. I have a strong interest in working with trauma related issues, specifically adult male survivors of sexual abuse.

I have a considerable amount of life experience and exposure, both personal and professional, which I drew upon to write my first book, Men Too: Unspoken Truths About Male Sexual Abuse (an educational, heart-wrenching look at 13 male sexual abuse victims experiences).

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